Jewish Poverty By, Ellie

  1. When discussing issues of hunger, we often use these biblical sources to cite our tradition’s concern for fighting hunger. However, we no longer live in an agricultural society, and the laws of reaping and tithing no longer apply. How do we make these texts relevant today? What can we do in our modern lives to realize the principles that underlie these laws?                                                                                                                                          Answer: I think we can not be so greety and take things all for ourselves because there are people out there with nothing.

2.      The Torah recognizes certain categories of people who are particularly vulnerable: the Levite, the stranger, the  fatherless, the widow, etc. What categories of people today require special assistance and our focused attention? Why?

Answer: People in wheelchairs, homeless people, elders, and sick people because they need our help so they can either stay alive or just need a friend to help them if they are lonely.

    3.Explain the tension between Deuteronomy chapter 15 verses 4 and 11, found in the same chapter in Deuteronomy.

Answer: Verse 4 says that there are no needy ones but in verse 11 it says if there are then they should help the poor.

  1. If we accept an obligation to care for the needy in our society, does that mean that we have to do it without regret for our own financial loss? Do you personally feel that you are able to give without regret or hesitation?                                                                                                                                                                                                   Answer: I would not feel bad with giving money to poor because I want to help them so they can have all the things in life to live. I wouldn’t be hesitant unless I knew they were going to use the money for drugs… I would probably give them food instead.

Mid Quarter Reflection

This quarter I think my effort has been 3.5 I have worked hard through  difficult  obstacles that I didn’t think I would be able to. In my sukkah prototype group sometimes I took charge to help us get back on track.  I was open to others idea’s because maybe we could combine idea’s, like when my group and another group combined idea’s for a prototype. I tried hard on writing interesting blogs even when it was hard too.

I think I have achieved so much this quarter that I would give myself a 4. My group and I were successful of making a sukkah prototype it was cool and had so many great idea’s in it. We went from not having a clue on what to do to having a mural of Israel and a door in the shape of Israel in our design. We worked really hard on the power point that we presented to a panel we started with our own power point than realized that we should combine our power points just like we combined out prototypes.

Sukkah Prototype


Our sukkah model is made of cardboard and pipe cleaners. It is an  Israel entrance. Are model is 8 by 8 and 4 inches tall.One of the inside walls is a skyline of Israel and  another wall is a map of Israel. On the outside it is a stain glass MJDS sign. We started by cutting 8 by 4 inch rectangles. Then we started designing the walls. We used pipe cleaners for a model of the schaz’k.

What I am good at and bad at

What I am good at:

I feel that I am best at workload because I won’t take over the whole project or not do anything. I think it is best that everyone does the same amount of work so they get credit to. It is not fair that someone does everything and someone does nothing. I like working in groups sometimes and sometimes by myself and with my group I think when we work together it is a lot easier .

What I am bad at:

I feel that sometimes I am bad at listening to other groups because I like to get my ideas said. Sometimes I get inpatient and blurt my idea out. Sometimes I like to work on my own and the it gets frustrating if I my idea isn’t heard.

Sukkah Design


We have a sukkah that is 16 ft by 16 ft by 8 ft. We have a entrance that is Israel. On one of the outside wall it says MJDS. On the inside wall it will have a sky line of Israel which we will paint. It will have a map of Israel.The schzak will be made out of regular branches.

על שלושה

Al shlosha mean on three things.  It is good to be kind to people so they are kind to you. You have to work hard in school so you can become succesful and can accomplish more things in your life. And teach people things if they are strugglings. Torah helps us learn about our past jewish history. So we can know all the happy and sad things that the Jewish People did.